Meet the Requirements
First, you'll need to meet the code requirements to be able to redeem it.
Requirements may include:
A $ wager requirement
A timeline for the above wager requirement
Being signed up under a specific affiliate code
For example, a $3 USDC code may have a $3,000 wager requirement in the last 7 days. You'll only be able to redeem the $3 USDC if you've wagered $3,000 on Goated in the last 7 days.*
Redeem Code
Go to Goated and click on the profile dropdown on the top right of the screen. Find the 'Redeem Code' option and click on it.
Once you've clicked on the 'Redeem Code' option, a modal will pop up. Enter the code here - if you've fulfilled the requirements, the amount on the code will be directly credited to your account.