Evolution Gaming
Evolution Gaming offers a convenient live-support chat to assist with any errors or disputes within their provided games.
To access the live support option, click the headset from the lobby in the top-right corner of your screen, or if you are in a game, open their in-game chat window and then click the headset icon.
Explain the issue that has occurred to the live-support agent and they’ll assist you however needed.
Pragmatic Play Live
Pragmatic Play also offers a 24/7 live-support chat for users to ask questions and query if any issues were to arise.
To access their live-support, click the headset icon in the top-right of your in-game screen. Or, if you have chat open, click the headset icon to switch to Live-Chat. You cannot access it from the lobby.
Explain your issue to them, including any relevant information such as what has happened and allow adequate time for them to respond. They'll help resolve this for you.